Osnovne Informacije

Broj zaposlenih: 1-10
Ime vlasnika/generalnog direktora: Vladimir Mitrović
Grad: Niš
Adresa: Gornjomatejevačka 106, 18000 Niš


Feb 25, 2018,
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Kolika je Plata u Acto team

Radno mesto Prosečna plata Min Max
Komercijalista Ukupno 1 plata na ovoj poziciji 285 EUR 285 EUR 285 EUR
Sef Ukupno 1 plata na ovoj poziciji 903 EUR 903 EUR 903 EUR
Komercijalista Ukupno 1 plata na ovoj poziciji
285 EUR (prosek)
Sef Ukupno 1 plata na ovoj poziciji
903 EUR (prosek)

Kratki Opis

Acto team is a start up company from Serbia, a team of Drupal enthusiasts passionate about Open Source business model. ACTO Team is the most active Serbian contributor to Drupal. 

Our vision is to promote Drupal and create environment that nurtures and supports the growth of Drupal talents in Central and Eastern Europe, simply - to become the most significant Drupal company.

In accordance to our mission, we invest in our employees in more than one way - you will have your own mentor and a long-term development plan, visit national/international events and trainings. You will work on international projects and have opportunity to work with experts in field of web development. You will be awarded with competitive compensations and benefits program and work in a great environment.

Cena poruke: 180 din. sa PDV-om.
3 meseca kompletnog pristupa